Progress in Programming Report

21 Nov 2023

My Progress in Programming

My programming skills have greatly improved in the following ways:

I have improved my understanding of where programming languages such as JavaScript can be implemented in a useful way. I have greatly improved my way of thinking about a website and how it is buildt up. I have improved my code setup by commenting and implementing things in a useful and general way.

I need to work on the following to improve my programming skills:

I need to be better at really thinking through what I want the application to do before I start writing code. Starting by creating comments for the part of the application I am working on rather than starting on the code is something I have started with and that really helps.

I have learned a lot from doing WODs and I can do them without copying the screencast:

Yes, I am able to do the WODs without looking at the screencast which was proved when we no longer got screencast solutions. However, for me, the WODs is not the best way to learn as I feel like I spend an unnecessary amount of time on preparing and uploading the recording rather than doing the programming part and learning from it.

The labs have help me learn and I am able to complete them with confidence:

Yes. For me, I believe that the Labs has helped me the most when working on improving my programming skills. This is because I both had the opportunity to ask quastions and work on the Labs in the class, as well as working on them at home. I also preffered the labs over the WODs as we at the same time as doing the labs went through some explanatory slides which improved my understanding of the topic at hand.

I learned a lot from my experience doing Assignment 1 and feel ready to work on Assignment 2:

Yes. I learned a lot, but I also feel like it was not too much new code, but rather finding the right outline from previous labs and wods. However, as we were told that this is not the case for assignment 2 I belive that I may need to spend more time on writing the actual code.

I think the class can be improved to help my learning in the following ways:

For me, I believe that I would have felt better prepared if the feedback on the labs and wods came a little bit faster, and was a little bit more detailed. From this, I would get a better understanding of what I need to work on on my own to improve my skills. This is also important as a lot of the labs build on top of eachother.

What helps me the most in class are (WODs, Labs, class website, screencasts, readings, quizzes, one on one help, working with classmates, etc.):

What helped me the most was the labs as we were both able to ask questions in class, as well as work on it on our own.