Discussion of Invoice 2 WOD

27 Sep 2023

My Experience with Invoice2 WOD

Introduction to the WOD

This week, I have finished two WODS, namely Invoice 1 and Invoice 2. In Invoice 2, the task was to create an algorithm which for different numbers of a variable, creates a different output. More specifically, we created a variable named shipping, where the output were determined based on the subtotal price. The shipping cost changed if the subtotal was less than 50, less than a 100, or over 100. Please see this page for further details: (https://dport96.github.io/ITM352/morea/070.flow-control-I/experience-invoice2.html “Invoice2”)

My experience with the WOD

In this WOD, I had a hard time with writing the ifelse-statement correctly, as there was three different scenarions possible. I spent a significant amount of time on trying to solve this, even as I knew that it was the correct conditional statement to use. I first tried to modify my code several times to get the correct output, but when I did not understand what I had did wrong, my solution was to search online. I went to the reading of the class regarding conditional statements, and found the solution right away. I was then able to finish the statement, and the WOD as a whole.


To prepare for this WOD, I cleared up my Invoice 1 file as this was the one I was going to use for the WOD. Differently from the previous WODs I have done, I chose not to read through the assignment instructions before I started the recording, because I wanted to challenge myself. As there was some time since I read through the material for this section of the course, I believe I should have read through the material one more time before doing the WOD to be more prepared. This would have spared me a lot of time when doing the WOD, as I did understand what to do, just not the correct syntax format for doing it. Hence, this is a thing I will do before doing the next WOD.