
11 Sep 2023

My Experience with WOD 1,2 & 3

For all of the three different WODs, I used two attempts to reach the Rx time. I started out with reading the instructions before I started on the assignment, and struggeled most with the technical aspect. I spendt a lot of time downloading the correct applications, and getting them to work. I also noticed that my microphone did not work with the screen recordings after I had finished all three of the workouts which meant that I had to do them all over again. Hence, I would suggest that you check that everything works before you actually starts with the tasks. Redarding the actual steps in the WODs, I wanted to reach the Rx time, so when I has passed it I deleted all my work and started over even as I did not finish the task. I looked over the steps where I got stuck, and try to read up on past material to see if I could find a soulution. I also looked online to see if there were any code available that I could use to solve the specific problem I had.